Perthshire, a central county of Scotland, and fourth in size, has Aberdeen and Inverness on the N., Stirling, Clackmannan, and Kinross on the S., Fife and the Firth of Tay on the S.E., Forfar on the E., and Argyle, Stirling, Dumbarton on the W. It is 70 miles long by 66 broad, and contains 2,727 square miles of very varied scenery and character. The Grampian chain, sloping down from a height of 4,000 feet in Benlawers, and the Ochil Hills in the S.E., compose the mountains; while the county is noted for its straths and glens. The chief river is the Tay, next to which come the Forth, Earn, Teith, and others; and among the principal lochs are Tay, Ericht, Rannoch, and Katrine. The Carse of Gowrie is a fertile stretch between the Tay and the Sidlaw Hills, and here, as well as in Strathearn and other valleys, much fruit is grown. The county comes next to Argyle in the breeding of sheep, but is for the most part agricultural. Linen and cotton goods are manufactured, and the Tay salmon fisheries are noted. The chief towns are Perth, Blairgowrie, Crieff, and Duhblane. Perthshire returns two members to Parliament.