Perth. The capital of Perthshire, a city and parliamentary borough of Scotland, finely placed on the Tay, 33 miles N.W. of Edinburgh, and connected by railway with the principal towns of Scotland. The river is crossed by a nine-arch bridge of 880 feet and by a railway bridge. The scenery is good, and there are beautiful meadows forming respectively the North Inch along the river, containing the racecourse, and the South Inch, through which passes the Edinburgh road (lined with trees and good houses). On the left bank of the Tay is the suburb of Bridgend, and beyond that Kinnoul Hill, 729 feet high. The streets are wide and regular, and there are good squares and crescents. St. John's church (now containing three churches) has a fine square tower and spire. Other buildings are the Episcopal cathedral, the county buildings, penitentiary, Marshall's Monument (containing a public library and museum of anatomy), a large railway station, and barracks. The chief manufactures are woollens, winseys, hosiery, fancy dress goods, table linen, rope, jute, and twine. Other industries are brewing, bleaching, dyeing, brick- and tile-making, and boat-building. Ships of 300 tons can come up to Perth, but the trade is not extensive. The cattle sales are important. The city, formerly called St. Johnston, was taken by Edward I. in 1298; and played a great part in later turbulent scenes, being taken by Cromwell in 1651 and occupied by the Highlanders in '15 and '45.