Pernambuco, capital of a province of the same name, is on the east coast of Brazil, at the mouths of the Capabaribe and Biberibe. It consists of three parts: - (1) Recife, so called from a reef which runs parallel to the coast, and is at the south extremity of a sandy peninsula, with the sea on the east, and Biberibe on the west, and is the chief business quarter, and contains the customhouse, bourse, etc.; and (2) united to Recife by a bridge is San Antonio upon an island of the same name, between the afore-mentioned peninsula and the mainland. In this part are broad streets and fine houses, and it contains the palaces of the president and the bishop, a theatre, arsenal, hospital, etc. A bridge leads from this to (3) Boa Vista, which is the residence of most of the European inhabitants. Trams unite the city and suburbs. A shallow harbour, with fort and lighthouse, is formed by the natural basin within the reef; and the trade of the town is extensive. The chief exports are cotton, sugar, hides, and spirits; and the imports, cotton and linen goods and hardware, half the trade being with Great Britain. Founded in the 16th century by the Portuguese, and passing for a time into the possession of the Dutch, Pernambuco is now the third city of Brazil.