Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Perigueux (Roman Vesunna), a French town (formerly capital of Perigord), in the department of Dordogne, is on the right bank of the Isle, and 70 miles N.E. of Bordeaux. It is well situated amid pleasant surroundings, and has some fine buildings, among them being the Byzantine cathedral (with lofty towers and cupolas), the Prefecture, the Palais de Justice, etc. It was one of eight towns ceded to the Protestants in 1576. The chief industries are the manufacture of bombazines, serge, cutlery, hosiery, leather, liqueurs and spirits, pates, truffles, pottery, nails, and much marble is cut and polished. Among the Roman remains are an amphitheatre, aqueducts, temples, and a curious tower 67 feet high and containing no door or window.