Percy Thomas
Percy, Thomas (1728-1811), Bishop of Dromore and a celebrated poetical antiquary, was connected with the great Northumberland family; he was born at Bridgnorth, Shropshire, and educated at Oxford, where he graduated in 1753, taking holy orders shortly afterwards. His first literary work was a translation from the Chinese (1761), and this was followed, after one or two minor works, by his most remarkable production, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765). The work excited great interest and admiration, and made its author famous. He became acquainted with Dr. Johnson, Burke, and other notable men, and in 1782 was made Bishop of Dromore. A second edition of the Reliques was produced in 1775, a third in 1794, and a fourth in 1814. Bishop Percy published various poems of his own, including The Hermit of Warltworth, in three cantos (1770), and wrote the popular song, "O Nannie, wilt thou gang wi' me ? "He practised much benevolence in Dromore, where he died on September 30th, 1811. A valuable collection of Ballads and Romances (in 3 vols.) was .published from his MSS. in 1867.