Pelagius, or Morgan (circa 380-450 A.D.), the founder of the heresy which bears his name, was a native either of Britain or Brittany - more probably the former. He lived for many years in Rome, but crossed over to Carthage with his devoted follower Coelestius after the sack of the city by Alaric in 410. Coelestius having attempted to obtain orders, his views were called in question and condemned in a Carthaginian synod. When these tidings were carried to Jerusalem, where Pelagius then was, a charge of heresy was brought against him by Orosius, who was supported by Jerome. These efforts to discredit his teaching were at first unsuccessful, but Popes Innocent I. and Zosimus declared against him, and he and his followers were finally condemned in a council at Carthage attended by 214 bishops (418). He was soon afterwards banished from Rome. The most formidable opponent of Pelagianism was St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, who wrote several treatises against it. Portions of Pelagius' own works remain, including a Commentary on St. Paul'sEpistles. The substance of his heresy was a denial of original sin.