Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Paskevitch, Ivan Feodorovitch (1782-1856), a great Russian general, was a native of Poltava. He served against the French in Austria, and 1812 in defence of his own country, and also in the War of Liberation. For his services as commander-in-chief in the Persian War he was created Count of Erivan (1828). After serving with distinction in the Turkish War which followed, he reached the height of his reputation by putting down the Polish rising of 1831, after which he was made Prince of Warsaw and Governor of Poland. In 1848 he assisted Austria against the Hungarians, and forced Gorgei to surrender at Vilagos-in 1849. His last command was in 1854 on the Danube, when he was wounded at Silistria and retired.