Parnell Commission
Parnell Commission. Just before the third reading of the "Coercion Bill" in 1887 the Times (April 18th) published a facsimile of an alleged letter from Mr. Parnell, dated 1882, approving the Phcenix Park murders. In 1888, on the production of other letters, a commission of three judges was appointed to investigate the whole question of the alleged connection between the Irish Parliamentary party and Irish crime. The letters were admitted (February, 1889) to be forged by one Pigott, who committed suicide (March). Mr. Parnelfs action for libel against the Times wasiconsequently settled by the payment to him of £5,000 and costs. The Report (February 13th, 1890) exonerated the Irish members from the graver charges, though not from incitement to intimidation or from association with the Irish revolutionists in America.