Parmigiano, Girolaho Francesco Mazzola. one of the best painters of the Lombard school, was born at Parma in 1504. He began to paint a an early age, and 1523 went to Rome. Here Clement VII. became his patron, and he was at work upon his Vision of St. Jerome (now in the National Gallery) when four years later the Imperialist troops captured the city. After spending about four years at Bologna, he returned to hi birthplace, but died in 1540 near Cremona, after having been imprisoned for his dilatoriness in executing the frescoes for Santa Maria Steccata, in Parma. A Madonna and Child by him is at Bologna, and he painted portraits of Amerigo. Vespucci and other contemporaries. His Cupid Shapinc/a Ron:, a well-known picture, is at Vienna.