Paris Matthew
Paris, Matthew, the best of the English chroniclers, was born about the beginning of the 13th century. When still young he entered the Benedictine abbey of St Albans, and in 1248 was sent by the Pope to Norway as visitor of the order. He died in 1259. Judging from internal evidence, he seems to have been an Englishman, but we know nothing- of-his parentage. He seems-to have been an accomplished mathematician and poet, as well as a historian, and was intimate with King Henry III. His Chronica Majora is a continuation of Roger of Wendover's work from.the year 1235, and is a very valuable authority on the times of Henry III. He also wrote Lives of the Abbots of St. Albans; and the Flores Historiarum, usually attributed to Matthew of Westminster, may also have been his work. The Chronica Majora was edited by Dr. Luard for the Rolls Series in 1872-73.