Paoli, Pasquale de, the son of a well-known Corsican patriot, was born in 1725 at La Stretta, in Corsica. In 1738 he accompanied his father to Naples, got a military education, and served with distinction in Calabria. Returning to his native land in 1755, he was chosen generalissimo in the struggle first against the Genoese and then against the French. The latter, under Count Vaux, utterly defeated the patriots in 1769, and Paoli escaped on board an English frigate. Whilst residing in this country he received a pension of £1,200 a year from the Government and made many friends, Dr. Johnson being among their number. After the Revolution he accepted the governorship of Corsica under the republic; but in 1793 rose with British aid against the Convention, and, having proclaimed George III. king, again came to England, where he died in 1807.