Owen John
Owen, John, D.D. (1616-83), a Calvinistic divine, was born in Oxfordshire, where his father was vicar of Stadham. He was educated at Oxford, and afterwards became tutor in Sir Robert Dormer's family and chaplain to Lord Lovelace. From Presbyterianism to Independent tenets was his next step, and he made the acquaintance of General Fairfax. He preached at Whitehall the day after King Charles's death, and he accompanied Cromwell to Ireland and Scotland. In 1651 Cromwell made him Dean of Christ Church, and Yice-Chancellor the next year, but he was deprived of both these offices in 1657. In 1658 he took part in the Savoy Conference. Among his writings are, Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Discourse on the Holy Spirit, and Account of the Protestant Religion.