Ormonde, James Butler, 1st Duke of (created in 1661), commanded the English forces in Ireland at the time of the rebellion of 1641, and afterwards tried to hold Ireland for Charles I. He accompanied Charles II. into exile, and after the Restoration was again for two periods Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. He died in 1688. James, 2nd Duke, his grandson, was born in 1665. He deserted James II. at the Revolution, and, serving in the wars of William III., was made prisoner at Landen (1693). During most of the reign of Anne he was a popular Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, but left that country in 1710 to take Marlborough's command in Flanders. Soon after the death of Anne he fled to France, the Whigs having determined to impeach him for his conduct of the war. He obtained the dismissal of Bolingbroke by the Pretender, and was to have commanded the army which Alberoni intended to invade England in 1719. After the failure of the Spanish schemes he lived in retirement at Avignon, and died in 1745.