Omnibus (Lat. "for all"). a long, four-wheeled public conveyance for passengers, with the seats arranged opposite one to another between the box in front and the door at the rear. Omnibuses were first used in Paris in the year 1828. In the following year they were introduced into London by Mr. John Shillibeer, the first pair starting from the "Yorkshire Stingo," Marylebone Road, on July 4, 1829. They were drawn by three horses abreast, and ran between the "Yorkshire Stingo" and the Bank, carrying twenty-two passengers (all inside); the fare was a shilling, or sixpence for half the distance, including the use of a newspaper. In 1849 the number of inside passengers was reduced to twelve, provision being made for two on the outside. The "knife-board," a double bench running down the centre, with a common back for the seats on each side, was introduced in 1857. Its place is now gradually being taken by rows of seats facing the same way as the driver. Omnibuses are now common in the larger towns of Great Britain. They were introduced into New York soon after their first appearance in London.