Narvaez, Ramon Maria, Duke of Valencia (1800-68), a Spanish statesman and general, was born in Andalusia. He served in the army with distinction, and in 1830 under Espartero he pursued and routed Gomez. His popularity led him to enter into politics, and he became the rival of Espartero. In 1838 he took part in an abortive rising of Progressists, and for five years had to stay abroad. Then taking advantage of Espartero's unpopularity he returned to Spain, and at the head of insurgents entered Madrid as a victor in 1843. In the next year he became Prime Minister, and Queen Isabella made him Marshal and Duke of Valencia. In 1846 the government was overthrown, but he was often recalled to power, becoming more and more Conservative till his last Ministry in 1866. For the remaining years of his life he tried to advance the interests of Queen Isabella.