Nankin, a Chinese town, capital of the province of Kiang-su, extends from the right bank of the Yang-tse-Kiang to a distance of three miles. The town, which is 560 miles S.E. of Pekin, is eighteen miles round, and is surrounded by a wall 40 feet high. The river, which is here 1-1/2 miles broad, is very deep, and runs with a strong current. Between the walls and the river is marshy land crossed by causeways, and a deep ditch leading from the river affords protection on the W. A party-wall separates the Manchoo and Chinese quarters. The city, which is a great literary centre, is the residence of the Governor-General of three provinces with his official staff. The streets are fair, but the houses insignificant, and the inhabitants are largely employed in the production of satin, crape, nankeen, paper, ink, and artificial flowers made from pith. Till the 13th century Nankin was the Chinese capital, and from 1853 till 1864 it was in the hands of the Taepings, who wrought much havoc upon it.