Namur, a province of Belgium, having Brabant on the S., Liege on the N.E., Luxembourg on the E., Hainault on the W., and France on the S. and S.W. It is 57 miles long by 37 wide, and contains 1,413 square miles, and is of much strategic importance in the new scheme of Belgian frontier fortification. The surface, with the valleys of the Meuse and Sambre, is well wooded, while the soil is carboniferous, and produces coal and iron, good timber, together with corn, oil-seeds, fruit, and dye-plants. The river Meuse, with its tributary the Lesse, from the S., and the Sambre from the W., unite at the town of Namur and flow E. The majority of the population is Walloon. The capital, Namur, at the junction of the two rivers, is at the foot of a height upon which is the citadel. It is protected by five large, and four small outlying forts. The parts of the town are connected by several bridges; but, owing to many bombardments, there are few old buildings. The modern cathedral is fine, and, besides the Hotel de Ville, the Belfry, and the arsenal, there are numerous schools, colleges, and public institutions. The chief industry is the manufacture of cutlery, other occupations being leather-working, and iron- and brass-founding, Namur was taken by the English in 1695.