Nairnshire, a county in the N.E. of Scotland, having the Moray Firth on the N., Elgin on the E., and Inverness on the S. and W. It is 24 miles long by 15 broad, and contains 197 square miles, of which about one-quarter is under cultivation. The southern part, of granitic formation, is hilly, while the valleys are of old red sandstone, and marl and freestone abound. The chief rivers are the Findhorn, renowned for its scenery, and the Nairn, flowing almost parallel from S.W. to N.E., and taking their rise in Inverness-shire. The soil on the coast is sandy and light, but the soil inland is rich and fertile. The county unites with Elgin to return one member to Parliament. Nairn, the capital, is a seaport near the mouth of the Nairn, and on the Highland railway. There is harbourage for small vessels, and fishing is carried on, and the town has a rising reputation as a watering-place. Nairn is one of the Inverness burghs.