Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Nachtigal, Gustav (1834-85), a German traveller, was born at Eichstadt, Having studied medicine, he received an appointment as army surgeon. In 1833 he took advantage of a visit to North Africa in search of health, to observe the country and people, and in 1868 was chosen as the bearer of presents from the King of Prussia to the Sultan of Bornu. Starting from Tripoli in 1869 he went by way of Fezzan to Bornu, and after excursions into neighbouring states he returned by way of Darfur, Kordofan, and Cairo in 1874 He embodied the results of this expedition in Sahara und Sudan (3 vols.). In 1884 he was sent to arrange the annexation of the German possessions on the west coast of Africa, but died off Cape Palmas.