Murshidabad, or Moorshedabad, a district and its capital in Bengal, British India. The former has an area of 2,141 square miles, bounded by the Ganges from N. to S.E., by the Jalangi S., and by Birbhum and the Santal Pargannahs E. The Bagirathi cuts the district in two, the W. half, or Rahr, being barren for the most part and interspersed with bits, or marshes, whilst the Bagri, or E. portion, resembles the alluvial plains of the Ganges valley, and bears good crops of rice, wheat, pulse, and indigo. Mulberries, too, are grown for silkworms. Besides the capital, Barhampur, Kandi, Jangipur, Azimganj, and Dhulian are the chief towns. The city of Murshidabad, once the capital of Bengal, and still the residence of the titular Nawab Nizam, stands on the left bank of the Bagirathi. The trade is even now considerable, and the Jain bankers have extensive financial dealings. Few industries flourish, save ivory carving, metal-work, and embroidery, fostered by the native court, which has its headquarters in a fine palace on the river.