Murcia, a province of Spain, with its capital. The former has a coast-line of 75 miles upon the Mediterranean, lying between Alicante to the E. and Almeria to the W., having an area of 4,478 square miles. With the exception of the plain of Cartagena and the sandy strip enclosing the Mar Menor lagoon, the surface is broken by spurs of the Sierra Nevada, reaching in places an elevation of 5,000 feet. These mountains are rich in lead, zinc, iron, copper, and sulphur, which are exported largely from Cartagena, the chief port. The valleys, especially along the course of the Segura and its tributaries, yield, under irrigation, good crops of oranges, olives, rough wine, and cereals, whilst the mulberry is extensively grown for silkworms, and the esparto grass on the marshy levels forms a valuable product. Besides the capital and Cartagena, Lorca is the only town of importance, but Aguilas and Mazarron have harbours and some trade. The city of Murcia stands on both sides of Segura in the midst of a very fertile valley, and is a handsome and well-built place with agreeable squares and gardens. The cathedral is in the late Gothic style with classical additions, and near it are the Bishop of Cartagena's palace and the colleges of San Fulgencio and San Isidoro. There is a good trade in silk and agricultural produce.