Murat, Joachim, was born in 1768, and educated for the priesthood. He abandoned that career at the first chance and enlisted in the cavalry. Elected member of the Garde Constitutionelle imposed on the king in 1791, he speedily rose to the rank of major; but his advanced views led to his being recalled from active service, and in 1795 he made the acquaintance of Bonaparte, whom he assisted in supporting the Convention on the 13th Vendemiaire. He went with him to Italy and Egypt, where he won great distinction. On the 18th Brumaire, 1799, being then a general of division, he carried out the famous coup d'etat, and Bonaparte gave him the hand of his sister Caroline. At Marengo he contributed to. the victory, and became a Marshal of France, with the title of prince. More glory and further distinction were earned on the fields of Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau, and Friedland, until in 1808 he was entrusted with the conduct of affairs in Spain, and as a return for his services received the crown of Naples. He quarrelled with Bonaparte during the retreat from Moscow, and endeavoured to attach himself to Austria. Talleyrand upset this design, and Murat then proclaimed his intention of liberating Italy, and was expelled from his dominions. Bonaparte refused to accept his aid at Waterloo, and in 1815 he was shot at Pizzo.