Muller Johannvon
Muller, Johann von, born at Schaffhausen, Switzerland, in 1752, and educated at Gottingen, became Professor of Greek in his native town, but devoted his best energies to historical research. In 1772 he published his Helium Cimbricum, followed by Vierandzwanztg Biicher allgemeinev Geschichten, which he wrote at Geneva. It was not until 1780 that the first volume of his History of the Swiss Confederation made its appearance, and the fourth and concluding volume was delayed until just before his death. Meanwhile he had passed from Geneva to Cassel and from Cassel to Mainz, where the Elector had given him political employment and rank. For twelve years he was established in Vienna, having work in the Imperial Library, but in 1804 he was called to Berlin as historiographer and councillor of war. Finally, in contradiction to all his previous opinions, he received from Napoleon in 1807 the post of Secretary of State in Westphalia, and died two years later. Among his other works may be named Reisen der Papste, History of Frederick II., and an edition of Herder's writings.