Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Mull, an island forming part of Argyllshire, Scotland, being the largest of the Inner Hebrides, with an area of 235,000 acres, mostly rugged, mountainous, and barren, but affording pasture to sheep and black cattle. Ben More, in the centre, rises to 3,185 feet, and the coast to the W. is indented by Lochs Na-Keal and Scridain. There are everywhere traces of volcanic action, the margin presenting terraces of basaltic rocks, whilst the internal valleys are filled up with lava and ashes of the Miocene period, but Old Red Sandstone is the principal formation. Tobermory, in the Sound of Mull, affords a safe harbour, and possesses a number of herring boats. Kelp-gathering gives employment to the poorer inhabitants.