Moreau, Jean Victor (1763-1813), was born at Morlaix, Brittany. On the outbreak of the Revolutionary wars he abandoned a legal for a military career, and in 1794 was named general of division. As such he distinguished himself with Pichegru in the conquest of Belgium and Holland, and in 1796 was appointed to succeed to his command on the Moselle and Rhine, when he distinguished himself by his victories over the Austrians, and still more by a masterly retreat across the Rhine. After 18 Fructidor he was deprived of his command; but in 1798, while serving with Scherer in Italy, saved the French from destruction by Suvarof by another masterly retreat. After the death of Joubert at Novi he assumed the chief command; and, on his return to France, was offered by Sieyes the generalship of the insurgent directors. He preferred, however, to assist Bonaparte, who, however (18 Brumaire), gave him the command on the Rhine. By the conduct of the campaign of 1800, when he won the battle of Hohenlinden, he 6howecl himself one of the greatest generals in Europe, but at the same time incurred the jealousy of Bonaparte. The latter obtained his condemnation and banishment (1804). Moreau remained in the United States till 1813, when he joined the enemies of Napoleon, and was mortally wounded by a cannon-ball at Dresden.