Moray, James Stewart, Earl of, generally known as the Regent Murray, was a natural son of James V. On the return of his half-sister, Mary, from France, he did his best to advise her, but, being a Protestant, strongly opposed the Darnley marriage. After the murder of the king-consort, at which he is said to have "looked through his fingers," he went to France, but on the abdication of Mary was appointed Regent of Scotland. He brought to trial the murderers of Darnley, but headed the army which defeated Mary at Langside after her escape in 1568. On his return to Scotland after the conferences at York and Hampton Court [Mary Stewart], he had to put down a conspiracy of the Hamiltons, who had supported Mary from selfish motives, and to repress the lawlessness of the border. While engaged in his preparations he was assassinated at Linlithgow in 1570.