Moore Sir Johngeneral
Moore, Sir John (general) (1761-1809), the well-known general, was the eldest son of Dr. John Moore (1730-1802), the author of Zeluco. Entering the army in 1777, he served in the American War and in Corsica, and in 1796 captured St. Lucia, of which island he became governor. In 1797-98 he was employed in Ireland; was wounded in the expedition to Holland in the following year; and in 1800 commanded the reserve in Egypt under Sir Ralph Aberciomby. He afterwards served in Sicily and Sweden, and in August, 1808, went to the Peninsula. In October he was given the command of an army destined to co-operate with the Spanish forces. Having advanced as far as Salamanca, he was obliged to retreat towards the coast, whither the French followed him. When on January 13, 1809, the British reached Corunna, their transports had not arrived; and three days later they were brought to bay by the French. The latter were defeated, and the British troops were able to effect their embarkation, but without their leader, who was mortally wounded. Sir John Moore was buried on the field of battle; but monuments were raised to him in St. Paul's and (by the French marshal Soult) at Corunna.