Moore Sir Johnadmiral
Moore, Sir John (admiral), Bart., British admiral, was born in 1718. At ten years of age he was sent to sea, and, having plenty of family influence, was made a captain at the age of twenty-five. In 1747, with Rear-Admiral Hawke, he participated in the highly successful action with a French squadron off La Rochelle. In 1756 he was a member of the court-martial that tried Admiral Byng. In 1757 he hoisted a broad pennant, and took command of the Leeward Islands station, but his main service to his country was his capture of Guadaloupe on May Day, 1759. Captain Moore, who soon afterwards returned to England, became a rear-admiral in 1762. In 1766 he was created a baronet, and later in the same year was appointed port admiral at Portsmouth. He died in 1778.