Montserrat. 1. A mountain in Spain, 4,057 feet high, is 30 miles N.W. of Barcelona. Half-way up the slope is a Benedictine abbey with a celebrated miracle-working image of the Virgin. In 1811 the abbey was plundered by the French troops, who also put to death the hermits and monks who had received French emigres. In 1827 Montserrat was a Cariist stronghold.
2. One of the British West India islands, belonging DO the group of the Lesser Antilles, has an area of 32 square miles. Discovered by Columbus in. 1493, it was colonised by Great Britain in 1632, and has been in her possession ever since, except for short intervals in time of war. Lime-juice and sugar are the chief products of the island, which is considered the healthiest in the West Indies.