Montrose, James Graham, 5th Earl and 1st Marquis of (1612-50), came of an ancient family from Montrose, in Forfarshire. He first became an important figure in Scotland when, in 1637, he took part in the drawing up of the Covenant. For the Presbyterians he won the victories of Stonehaven and the Bridge of the Dee, and in 1640 was with the Scottish army which invaded England; but about this time he was gained over by Charles I. By the influence of Hamilton and other enemies he was imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle by order of the Scots Parliament. After his liberation he appeared openly on the Royalist side, and in the brilliant campaign of 1644-45 won six victories, and advanced towards the Border to help Charles I. in England. His Highland forces, however, deserted him in order to secure their booty, and the remnant of his army was surprised and defeated by David Lesley at Philiphaugh (September, 1645). Montrose now passed three years on the Continent, but on the news of the execution of the king again landed in Scotland and tried to raise the Highlands. He was, however, routed at Invercarron, in Ross-shire, and having been captured soon after, was hanged at Edinburgh, where a monument was raised to him in St. Giles's in 1888.