Montmorency, Matthieu de, was Constable of France and regent during the absence on crusade of Louis VII., whose mother was his second wife. He died in 1160. His son, Matthieu, Grand Constable of France, distinguished himself at the battle of Bouvines, and was a leading personage during the reign of Louis VIII. and the early years of Louis IX. He died in 1230. Anne (1493-1567), first duke and Constable of France, was the best general of Francis I. in his wars with Charles Ar. He was taken prisoner at Pavia, but after his liberation successfully defended Marseilles against the Emperor (1536). Under Henri II., besides other services, he captured Metz, Toul, and Verdun, but was made prisoner at the battle of St. Quentin (1557). In 1562, at the battle of Dreux, he was again made prisoner, and in 1567 was mortally wounded at the battle of St. Denis. His grandson, Henri (1595-1632), Constable and marshal, after a distinguished military career in the Huguenot wars, took part in the conspiracy of Gaston of Orleans, and, being defeated and captured at Castelnaudary, was executed.