Monkey. In popular language a monkey is a Primate with a tail, the term "ape" being used for tailless forms. [Baboon.] How little the tail may be relied on as a character for classification of any kind may be seen from the fact that in some macaques it is long, in others short, in one tufted at the end, and in another absent altogether, The Primates consist of two sub-orders: (1) Anthropoidea, (2) Lemuroidea. [Lemur.] In the Anthropoidea are five families: (1) Hominidae (Man), (2) Simiidffi (Anthropoid Apes), (3) Cebidae (New World Monkeys), (4) Cercopithecidae (Old World Monkeys), and (5) Hapalidce (Marmosets). To individuals of the third and fourth families the term "monkey" is properly applied; and some authorities include the fifth family in a group with the third (Platyrrhini), the Old World Monkeys being placed in a second group (Catarrhini). These two groups are separated not only in geographical distribution, but also by anatomical characters. The nose is flat, the nostrils far apart; all are arboreal, and the tail is generally prehensile. The thumb is not opposable, and the digits bear nails instead of claws. Here belong the Howlers, Spider Monkeys, Capuchins, etc. In the Catarrhini the nostrils are near together; the tail is never prehensile, and the thumb, when present, is opposable. To this group belong the baboons, entellus, Diana monkey, macaques, etc. Only one monkey is European. [Barbary Ape.]