Monaghan, a county of Ulster, Ireland, having on the N. Tyrone, on the E. Armagh and Louth, on the W. Fermanagh, and on the S. Cavan and Meath. The extent is 319,741 acres, the greater part being arable, and it is 30 miles long by 20 broad. The surface is for the most part hilly, and is mountainous in the N.W., and there are" many bogs and small lakes. The chief rivers are the Blackwater, Annalee, Finn, and Lagan, but these are not navigable. The chief crops are oats, potatoes, and much flax, but wheat is not grown. Spade-husbandry is a feature of the county. The linen manufactories employ very many of the population. The county is divided in five baronies, and returns two members to Parliament. The principal towns are Monaghan (the capital), Castleblaney, Clones, Carrickmacross, and Ballybay.