Molinos, Miguel (1627-96), a, Spanish theologian, was born at Saragossa, and educated at Pampeluna and Coimbra. Having taken orders, he went to Rome, where he achieved a great reputation as a director. In 1675 he wrote his Spiritual Guide, which displayed features of mysticism, verging towards what was called "Quietism." Now that his reputation was universally established he was attacked by the preacher Segneri on the ground that his system annihilated the will. The Jesuits joined in the attack, and in spite of the favour of Cardinal Odeschalchi (afterwards Pope Innocent XL), the Jesuits opposed him, and in 1605 he was cited before the Inquisition, and called on to abjure his errors, and was committed to prison for life. One of the chief points objected to in his doctrines was the theory that "internal perfection" was compatible with external excesses.