Molesworth Sir William
Molesworth, Sir William (1810-1855), 8th Baronet, was born in London, and inherited estates in Cornwall and Devon in 1823. In 1832 he entered Parliament for East Cornwall, and supported the policy of Earl Grey, sitting later for Leeds from 1827 to 1841. In 1835 he had joined with Mr. Roebuck to start The London Review, which represented the views of those who were called "Philosophical Radicals." During a temporary retirement from public life, from 1841 to 1845, he edited the works of Hobbes. From 1845 to 1855 he represented Southwark in Parliament, and gave much attention to the question of our Colonies, which he made his special subject. In 1852 he became Commissioner of Public Works in Lord Aberdeen's Government, among the works carried out under his regime being the building of Westminster Bridge. In 1855 he was made Colonial Secretary, but did not live to carry out his views.