Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Milne, Sir David, naval officer, born at Musselburgh in 1763, entered the navy in 1779. As lieutenant he distinguished himself in numerous expeditions, and in 1795 he was posted. In 1800, after one of the most magnificent actions of the war, he captured the Vengeance. He became rear-admiral in 1814, and in 1816 he assumed the chief command in North America, but before leaving for his station he was allowed to go as second in command with Lord Exmouth's expedition to Algiers; for his share in the bombardment be was made a K.C.B. He was made vice-admiral in 1825, G.C.B. in 1840, and admiral in 1841, and up to within a few days of his death in 1845 he was commander-in-chief at Devonport.