Milman, Henry Hart (1791-1868), Dean of St. Paul's and ecclesiastical historian, was educated at Eton and Brasenose College, Oxford, and in 1817 was presented to the living of St. Mary, Reading. The publication of his drama The Fall of Jerusalem (1820) was followed by his appointment to the chair of poetry at Oxford. He was Bampton Lecturer in 1827, became rector of St. Margaret's, Westminster, in 1835, and in 1849 was made Dean of St. Paul's. In 1829 appeared the History of the Jews. His History of Cliristianity under Hie Empire (1840) and History of Latin Cliristianity (1855) are not likely to be soon superseded. Among Milman's other works were the Martyr of Antioch (1822), a tragedy, some unfinished Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral, various essays and hymns.