Michelet, Jules (1798-1874), was appointed in 1821 to a mastership at the College Rollin. In 1827 he became maitre de conferences in the Eeole Normale. His abilities and revolutionary opinions gained him a place in the French Record Office, and the post of assistant-professor to Guizot in 1830. Eight years later he was named professor of history in the College de France, a post held by him till 1852, when he refused to take the oaths to Napoleon III. He died at Hyeres. The great work of Michelet's life was his Histoire de France. It was continued by a History of the French Revolution (of little value), and the beginning of a History of France in the 19th Century. Michelet also produced several studies, such as Le Proc'es des Templiers, and La Sorcierc, numerous pamphlets against the Jesuits, Bu Pretre de la Fenime, et de la Famille, and some popular books on natural history.