Meredith, George, among the foremost of English novelists, was born in Hampshire in 1828, and educated in Germany. In 1851 lie published a volume of Poems, and four years later, his first prose work, The Shaving of Shagpat, a series of stories, half-imitation, half-burlesque, of the Arabian Nights. In 1857 German romance was treated in a similar manner in his Farina. In 1859 appeared The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. It was followed by Evan Harrington (1861), Sandra Belloni first known as Emilia in England (1864), with its sequel, Vittoria (1866), and Rhoda Iteming (1865). Harry Richmond (1871), and Beauchamp's Career (1875) came next, and in 1879 The Egoist. The Tragic Comedians (1881) was a romance founded on the life-story of Lassalle. It was succeeded by Biana of the Crossways (1885), One of Our Conquerors (1891), Lord Ormont and His Aminta (1894), and The Amaziny Marriage (1895). The best of Meredith's verse is contained in Modem Love (50 sonnets, 1862), Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth (1883), Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life (1887), A Reading of Earth (1888), and The Empty Purse (1892).