Meissen, an ancient centre of industry, stands on the left bank of the Elbe in Saxony, about nine miles N.W. of Dresden. Founded in 928, it became the seat of a powerful line of margraves, from whom the dukes and kings of Saxony descend. Until 1581 the prince-bishops of Meissen were most important personages. The cathedral, completed about 1400 (with the exception of the tower, which dates from the 15th century), isanoble specimen of early Gothic. The Schloss, begun in 1473, has been restored and redecorated with modern frescoes. Across the river, spanned by a 13th-century bridge, is the Fiirstenschule, where Lessing and Gellert were educated, occupying the site of the former convent of St. Afra. The town-hall, the Frauenkirche, and many other remarkable buildings adorn the quaint and hilly streets. Meissen contains the famous factory where Dresden china is made, and has also iron-works, breweries, sugar-refineries and other industrial establishments, besides doing n large trade in the wine of the district.