Meath, a county on the E. coast of Ireland, in the province of Leinster, bounded on the E. by the Irish Sea, S.E. by Dublin, S. by Kildare and King's County, W. by Westmeath, N.W. by Cavan and Monaghan, N.E. by Louth. It has an area of 904 square miles, most of which consists of slightly undulating land, with a deep rich deposit of loam resting on a subsoil of limestone. The picturesque river Boyne flows from S.W. to N.E., and divides the county into two nearly equal parts. Except the Bog of Allen, nearly the whole is under cultivation, and upwards of ninety per cent. of the land is arable, yielding, as a rule, excellent crops. Except a few linen and woollen fabrics, there are no industries save agriculture, and the ten miles of coast do not support many fishermen. Trim is the chief town. The county sends two members to Parliament, and gives its name to a bishopric.