Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Mayhew, Augustus (1826-75), English author, wrote alone, and in conjunction with his brother (q.v.). Henry (1812-87) ran away from Westminster school, and, after a voyage to India, was articled as a solicitor to his father. With Gilbert a Beckett he started the Cerberus, and, being thwarted in this, he ran away with Gilbert to Edinburgh. In 1831 he started Figaro in London, and he wrote much with his brother, the results appearing as the work of the brothers Mayhew. London Labour and the London Poor was long quoted as a standard authority. He was the first editor of Punch, at whose birth he assisted. Horace (1816-72), a brother of both the above, was a contributor to, and for a time sub-editor of, Punch.