Mayenne, a department, river, and town in N.W. France. The department, lying to the E. of Ille-et-Vilaine, is 51 miles long by 39 miles broad, and contains 1,996 square miles. Geologically it is connected with Brittany. Besides the Mayenne with its tributaries, the chief rivers are the Vilaine, lowing into the Atlantic, and the Selune, flowing into the English Channel. The department has a varied surface, and is well-wooded. The chief productions are cattle, poultry, butter, game, honey, and cider. Among the chief industries are coal-mining, quarrying, spinning, and weaving. The river Mayenne flows with a course of 127 miles through the three principal towns, and joins the Sarthe at Angers. Mayenne, the town, is capital of Mayenne, and is an old town built upon high ground overlooking the river. The only buildings of note are the ancient castle (now used as a prison), and a 12th-century church. Most of the inhabitants are employed in the cloth manufacture.