Mastic, the resinous exudation of the bark of Pistacia Lentiscus, an evergreen shrub belonging to the terebinth family and native to the Mediterranean region. It is mainly collected in the island of Scio, of which it forms the chief source of revenue. It is obtained from artificial incisions between June and September, one tree yielding 8 or 10 lbs. a year. From 200 to 250 tons are extracted annually, the best going to Constantinople, Trieste, and Marseilles. It is soluble in turpentine or ether, but only partly so in cold alcohol, and is used by dentists and varnish-makers. East Indian or Bombay mastic is the product of P. Khinjuk and P.cabulica in Sindh, Afghanistan, and Baluchistan; and P. atlantica yields a similar resin, which is chewed by the Arabs of Algeria. Cape mastic, used in South Africa, is obtained from Euryops multifidus, one of the Compositae.