Martin Bishopof Tours
Martin, Bishop of Tours, was born about 320, and died about 400. He was a native of Pannonia, but was educated at Pavia, After serving in the Imperial army under Constantine and Julian, he returned to his native countiy for a time, but left it about 360 for Gaul. In 371 he was taken from his convent near Poictiers and made Bishop of Tours against his will. His fame as a worker of miracles, which are recorded in his life by Sulpicius Severus, drew crowds of visitors to see him. He died at the monastery of Marmoutiers, which he had himself founded. He was canonised, and his festival is celebrated on November 11, which is still known in Scotland as Martinmas, the beginning of winter. The story of his dividing his cloak with a beggar, frequently forms a subject for the painter.