Martial Law
Martial Law, a series of regulations made to preserve order and discipline in the army, and enforced by the prompt decisions of courts martial; this is generally known as military law. During the existence of a rebellion, when, in consequence of the ordinary processes of law becoming ineffectual for the security of life and property in any province or state, the Legislature has appointed that a military force shall be employed to suppress the disorders and secure the offenders; and when the trial of the latter takes place according to the practice of military courts, that province or state is said to be subject to martial law. On such an event occurring- in any part of the British dominions, the two Houses of Parliament jointly with the Crown determine that a temporary suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act shall take place. This course is only adopted in cases of great emergency, and the necessity for it and the period of its duration are always set forth in the provisions of the Act. [Habeas Corpus.]