Marot, Clement (1490 ?-1544), one of the best of French early poets, was born at Cahors some time in the winter of 1496-97. He and his father found patrons in Francis I. and his sister, Marguerite, afterwards Queen of Navarre, who pensioned Clement; to her he dedicated his poems. He went with Francis to Italy in 1524, and was wounded at Pavia. Soon after his return he was imprisoned for heresy. He was rescued from prison by Marguerite on this occasion, and again in 1531, but in 1535 was advised to leave France. He took refuge at Ferrara, and from thence went to Venice, but was allowed to return to France in 1539. He then published a translation of the Psalms, which, though highly popular, was condemned by the Sorbonne. The unorthodox views and satirical tongue of Marot combined to make him enemies, and in 1543 he was obliged to leave Paris for Geneva. Calvin's austerity was too much for him, and he next went to Piedmont, and died at Turin.