Marmont, Augusts Frederic Viesse de Duc de Ragusa (1774-1852), the last to survive of Napoleon's marshals, was a native of Chatillon-sur-Seine. Having entered the army just before the Revolution, he was an artillery officer when he met Bonaparte at Toulon. In the Italian campaign of 1798 he acted as his aide-de-camp, and in Egypt two years later he was a general of brigade. "JFor his services on the day of 18 Brumaire he was made a Councillor of State, and, as commander-inchief of the artillery reserve, directed the crossing of the Great St. Bernard and was present at Marengo. He was named Duc de Ragusa in 1808 for his able administration of Dalmatia, and Marechal de France after-Wagram in 1809. In 1811 he was transferred from Illyria to the command in Portugal. but was defeated by Wellington at Salamanca in the next year. In the campaign of 1813 he defended the approaches to Paris with great ability; but, on account of his want of success, he was excepted from the amnesty proclaimed by Napoleon to those marshals who had accepted the Bourbons 'it the first restoration. In 1830 he emerged from retirement in order to take command of the royal troops, and after the Revolution was dismissed and retired to Venice.