Mariana, Juan da (1536-1624), the Spanish historian, was born of humble parents at Talavera de la Reina. He entered the Society of Jesus at an early age, and afterwards taught at Jesuit colleges in Rome, Sicily, and Paris. In 1574 ill health compelled his retirement to Toledo, where he gave his remaining years to literary and historical writing. His two great works were his Historice de Rebus Hispauicc, which he himself translated into Spanish, in which the history of Spain to the year 1621 was contained; and the treatise Be Rege et Regis Institutione (1599), in which was maintained the lawfulness of deposing kings. The latter was condemned by the General of the uesuits, and Mariana's Seven Theological and Political Tractates (1609) were placed upon the Index Expurgatorius, the author also being imprisoned by the Inquisition.