Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Manx, the natives of the Isle of Man. who are Celts of the Gadhaelic (Irish) branch, with a large infusion of Norse blood. The Manx language is a pure Gadhaelic dialect, apparently more allied to the Erse than to Irish. Till about the year 1600 it was spoken exclusively, but since then English has made steady progress, and in 1871 of a total population of 53,765 only 190 spoke Manx alone, 13,000 Manx and English, all the rest English. At present it is mainly confined to the Bride, Gurby, and Arbory districts, this last being the only place where it is still used in the pulpit. The literature consists mainly of some religious treatises and a few ballads, dating from the 16th century.